[ news ]
[03.05.2011] - updated httpd-ack
Forgot to release 20080711 version of httpd-ack, only a couple minor changes.
+ make source code link on index.html page
+ auto spin down cdrom once loaded
[11.23.2007] - updated httpd-ack
+ update disc.gdi format for newer nulldc (s/-8/0/)
+ add ability to use TOC from ip.bin for session 2
+ return 404 for unknown GET instead of cdrom contents
[07.20.2007] - updated httpd-ack
+ add some what nasty work around for kos/lwip killing off a socket before all data had been sent out. this would also cause the tcp stack to crash
+ switch to using conio for screen output
+ add http://IP/cdrom_spin_down
+ fixed possible crash when reading ip.bin sector for meta data.
+ gave session/track dual meaning on url. If both are >= 150, session will act as the start sector, and track the end sector when dumping.
+ fixed overflow when sending gdi file on discs with 60+ tracks, bug report by Nologic
+ add abort option url, default on
+ merged in sub channel dump code, default off
[05.11.2007] - updated httpd-ack
Adjusts dump settings per tosec/dumpcast agreement plus a few minor tweaks.
[04.30.2007] - httpd-ack, dreamcast gd-rom dumper.
httpd-ack is a dreamcast gd-rom dumper that requires a bba to work. it turns the dreamcast into a webserver that allows you to download the tracks from the gd-rom, a gdi file for nullDC emulator, dreamcast BIOS, and dreamcast flash. you can grab it from the files link at the top.
[01.31.2004] - gc-shrink 0.2
this is a port to c and includes a windows command-line executable. source is included and will compile in both windows and unix. grab it from the files page.
[01.25.2004] - gc-shrink 0.1
gc-shrink is a perl script used to re-write gamecube iso's to maximize disk space. sample output. You can grab the source on the files page.
[04.06.2003] - buttler network config update
buttler-networks-04062003.tgz contains updated network configs for buttler. 450+ channels on 100+ irc networks. to install remove network-* from your config dir and copy these new ones over. I ran these for about 30mins and got about 16,000 offers.
[01.27.2003] - pftp
been helping hoe with pftp, which is a threaded console based fxp/ftp client for unix and windows. just released 0.11.4.
[10.24.2002] - first public release of buttler 0.82
buttler is a program written in perl-gtk for xwindows. it connects to multiple irc networks, joins a bunch of channels, tracks offer bots, and allow you to double click and request files from them. here is a screenshot. you can grab a copy from the files page.
[02.02.2002] - freebsd patch for odinseye build 79
this is a small patch to get odinseye bsd friendly. it should patch cleanly against build 79. once the patch is applied edit odinseye.pro to adjust the DEFINE setting for your setup.
grab it here oe-freebsd.patch.
[01.22.2002] - shopbot 0.46beta and pickit 0.82 released
both updates include a workaround for a possible crash cause by d2hackit. grab them from the files page
[01.20.2002] - shopbot 0.45beta released
grab it from the files page
[01.19.2002] - pickit 0.81 released
this is a minor update to remove the config file limits that existed. binary and source are available on the files page.
[01.16.2002] - shopbot 0.20beta released
shopbot is module for d2hackit that will auto shop for magic weapons, based on a config file. This can be used to find elite magic weapons the will sometime popup in stores. grab the binary and source from the files page.
[01.11.2002] - brought new website online
got bored over the last few days and redid the website. its better then the old one, but still shitty. please harass me if there are any broken links.
[12.20.2001] - pickit 0.80 released
binary and source are available on the files page.